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Differentiation between scotch yoke pneumatic actuatorand rack-and-pinion pneumatic actuator

发布时间:2018-12-10     来源:艾德威尔•瑞拓
You know what? Scotch yoke pneumatic actuator  are divided into scotch yoke pneumatic actuatorand rack-and-pinion type pneumatic actuators. Let's explain the characteristics of these two kinds of pneumatic actuators.
The pneumatic principle of the fork-type actuator is the same as that of the rack-and-pinion actuator, but the rack-and-pinion actuator can turn the linear motion of the cylinder piston into rotation through the straight-line moving rack (linear gear). The rotation speed and output moment are uniform, which is more suitable for driving some rotary valves such as ball valves.

The fork-type pneumatic actuator, through the linear motion of the cylinder piston, drives the connecting rod on the output shaft to turn the linear motion of the cylinder piston into rotation. The output moment and rotation speed are not uniform. The moment is large and small at both ends of the journey, and the speed is fast and slow at both ends of the journey.

scotch yoke pneumatic actuator

Pneumatic actuators with forks and gears and racks
When the fork-type pneumatic actuator operates, the output force and torsion energy change with the change of angle, and in the opening or closing position of the valve, the torque value is the largest, which is more suitable for butterfly valve control.
The rack-and-pinion pneumatic actuator has simple structure and stable and reliable operation. Because of the symmetrical structure design of the rack-and-pinion double piston, the reverse rotation can be obtained by simply changing the piston assembly position. And the advantages of safety and explosion-proof are widely used in power plants, chemical industry, oil refining and other production processes with high safety requirements.
As for the fork-type pneumatic actuator, we have talked about it here today. If you want to know more about the scotch yoke pneumatic actuator, please contact us.
上一个:Comparisons of Film Type and scotch yoke pneumatic actuator 下一个:Problems Existing in Use of Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve

BeijingRuituojiangnan Co.,Ltd    Production:Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve,Metallic Sealed Butterfly Valve,Scotch yoke pneumatic actuator sitemap   京ICP备05016881号
