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Machining of Sealing Ring for Disc Component of Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve

发布时间:2019-01-18     来源:艾德威尔•瑞拓
Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve is now widely used because of its good sealing and heat resistance. The performance advantages of any kind of equipment are related to the internal structure of the equipment. Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve is no exception. Below is a small ribbon of Beijing Ruitou to learn about the processing of the sealing ring of Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve disc assemblies.

The sealing part of butterfly plate assembly is a sealing ring. The sealing ring is oblique cone structure. The top angle of the cone is 16 degrees, and the thickness is 13.5mm. It is composed of five layers of asbestos board and four layers of stainless steel plate. Seal ring must be assembled with butterfly plate and pressing ring, so as to prevent warping deformation of stainless steel plate and asbestos plate in seal ring sandwich. According to its structural characteristics, the following processing methods are adopted for the sealing ring of butterfly plate assemblies:

Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve

(1) Firstly, on a 2.5m vertical car, each stop on the butterfly plate and ring is processed to the required size of the drawing, and the outer circle is not processed.
(2) Drilling rings and tapping butterfly plates according to drawings;
(3) Pressure ring, sealing ring and butterfly board are assembled according to the drawing. The butterfly board assembly tooling is fastened with bolts on the valve body tooling, and then the butterfly board assembly is clamped on it. Vertical Turning Tool Rotary 8 Degree Turning Pressure Ring, Sealing Ring and Butterfly Plate to Grinding Dimensions
(5) Use the same thickness of steel plate to replace the sealing ring, automobile pressure ring, butterfly plate taper to the drawing size;
(5) The fixture is fixed, the pressing ring, sealing ring and butterfly plate are assembled according to the requirements, and then the grinding head is installed on the tool holder of the vertical lathe to grind the sealing ring so as to meet the roughness requirements of the drawing design.
According to the structural characteristics of the disc seal ring of the Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve, the above five main processing methods are adopted. Do you understand? For more information about Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve, please call for consultation.
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BeijingRuituojiangnan Co.,Ltd    Production:Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve,Metallic Sealed Butterfly Valve,Scotch yoke pneumatic actuator sitemap   京ICP备05016881号
